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Case «Follow the crypto»

An Interesting Nuance

A Kazakh leader in crypto industry sought to develop its own messenger service which would incorporate cyber currencies. The killer feature of the application would be the anonymous exchange not only of communications but also of funds. For the dream to become a reality, designers were required to have experience in developing digital products, as well as a team of developers for outworking the architecture of the iOS and Android application. This vacancy entailed relocation to Kazakhstan, and no one was a fan of this particular spoiler. Sometimes even the realisation of a dream isn't enough to interest developers enough for them to accept an offer.

Taking into consideration the scale and complexity of the task, we selected for the company a personal recruiter. We had to establish the selection process and, in the course of several months, complete the task.

An unplowed field of computer specialists

The local developers were sifted out almost immediately: the client quickly ruled out this field. American specialists were interested in the project, but their wage expectations were more than the client was able to pay. Next on the list were Eastern European specialists, but the prospect of relocation to Kazakhstan in some mysterious fashion increased their salary expectations. It was a new project. At the beginning, the client wasn't willing to spend more than the allotted budget. What were we supposed to do? Continue to scour the Eurasian market in search of a hidden gem.

The choice of the recruiter was the Armenian market, a country with excellent math faculties and a rapidly developing IT sector. The prospective Armenian candidates were happy to work in any country if they could acquire sufficient technical experience. Within a week of beginning our search for a team, a team leader had already emerged, with experience of mentoring and working with MVVM, MVP, Clean Architecture and Architecture Components.
The leader had appeared. All that was left was to select the appropriate stack and vibe specialists.

Mass relocation of the dream team

The team leader turned out to be unique. He actively participated in the selection of candidates and, in the Armenian tradition, he even suggested potential candidates (which is how, by the way, we also found a designer). But still, some developers were hard to find: the client wanted a team of specialists with fintech experience, but it was hard to find them in Armenia.
We had to solve this problem quickly, so the recruiter turned again to the European market. This time, we tried something different. We put the focus on the product. We brought the engaging team leader into the interview, and to the question of salary increase, we offered remote work. This allowed us to suggest candidates for the client lightning fast, and so by the end of the month, the newly formed team went to shake up the Kazakh plains.

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